Friday, December 19, 2008

Here in Florida

Eva and I are here in Florida. Without saying too much, for she does not want me to say too much, we/she is doing great! She is spending three weeks at Hippocrates Health Institute which is an amazing place for one to deal with any and all illnesses, and I am doing their two-week course.

Essentially, we are learning to eat, prepare and even grow (as I already do) "living foods." I have been learning (before I came here as well), how to use a dehydrator, make green drinks, and utilize a blender (I am using a Vitamix). We have truly changed so many things in our diet and I have lost about 20 pounds without much effort (well, I do cook a lot more but I am not suffering). I am learning that you don't "cure" cancer, but in fact you can learn to live with it if you follow dietary guidelines. I am also finding that our foods are so full of things that are catastrophically toxic to us, and that we must learn to read labels (and that means in the so called health stores as well) and change our habits to live a healthy life (notice I did not say a long life for I truly don't believe that this ensures one of that). Okay...Enough preaching.

On another note, I am now photographing with a Nikon D3. Hopefully, I will have some pics for this blog when I get back to Israel on Jan. 9. I hear there is snow in Connecticut, hope to see some of that when I arrive there on the 29.

To my friends, happy Hanukkah and merry Christmas. Enjoy the new year as well and may you all find your happiness.

I toast to you all (with wheatgrass of course!)...Jamie and Eva

1 comment:

Gabriella Sholk said...

Sending much love your way. That said, I still cant stomach wheat grass.