Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Diplomatic Talk with no Bite

How incredibly sad that the diplomats in Rome could not figure out a plan that would put an end to the current hostilities (and perhaps prevent future ones). With such a great loss of life and the potential for so much more, our diplomat's and religious leaders continue so sink into a quagmire of discord. Both sides are bent on proving that their fight is just, moral, and legitimate. Both sides inflict wanton death on the other. Both sides are killing civilians by the score (though let's be honest, Hezbollah has a ghoulish desire to take out as many civilians as they can though to date have not been all {and this is truly relative} that successful). Now new threats of missiles being shot further south (Tel Aviv?) are being vented and calls for an international force is bandied around. All of our fighting will only create more recruits for further wars and distance us even more from a "road map" to peace. Shit, what road map?

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