Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Winter Break

First off, happy solstice.

I am leaving or I am returning. It’s a complicated concept and one that constantly gets me thinking about the wanderings of life.

We leave tonight to first visit Eva’s mother in Florida and then mine in Connecticut. There will be visits with friends and hopefully some nice rides and photographs along the way. Currently, I discovered that Connecticut Magazine has been using some of my stock photos and I suppose my perspective of that beautiful state is enhanced by my distance from it. Thus, when I make these brief visits, I see it with a passion and an exuberance which I suppose comes through in my pics.

As we approach the turn of the year, I continue to hope for so many things. However, my hope for change, for the betterment of this world, is not focused on the calendar cycle and is neither more pronounced or intent just because we swap numbers on a designated day.

I rant, rave, and exhibit demonstrative emotions on all days mind you.

Physically, this has been a confusing year. There are days when I feel that my ankles are old, weary and in need of an operation. On other days, I ride totally pain free. Currently, I have been trying to limit white breads as well as sugars and milk products. I have started taking fish oil each day as well. This, at least over the past few weeks, has seemed to have had some impact on lessening the pain. In fact, my last few rides have been very intense, and I have had no pain at all. Thus the aforementioned confusion.

Eva is doing well. She begins to study Homeopathic medicine in January with a school located in Oregon. Though she is doing this online, I think we should visit there as well. Oregon is a beautiful state and though the mountains are so harsh (witness the death of late on Mount Hood), it is stunning to the eye.

Shomron is doing well too. He studies very hard and pursues his own life. I always feel bad though that he is so connected to this country as I think he may have to leave this region one day. That’s another story.

Candy is fine as well. She’s been sick several times this year but currently is strong and feisty. I gave her a bath the other day and tried to clip her well. She of course tried to bite me and the hair cut has much to be desired. Oh well, I’ll try again though no time now to do this.

Okay…Off for several weeks…


Anonymous said...

I really love your photos, which I first saw on flickr.
I am also an American living in Israel (Be'ersheva), before which I lived in Connecticut.
I wanted to get in touch with you about the possibilities for volunteering in Bedouin schools. Please contact me by email. My email is ebrenner [At Symbol]


Anonymous said...

correction: my email is ebrenner [At Symbol]