Sunday, January 07, 2007

Return of the Geek

Beat the rain yesterday and got a ride in. Partial information is listed below though the ride was about 8 minutes longer as I had to reset the Polar. Regardless, I have returned to my geeky ways again and am now using the computer to compute workouts a bit more closely!

Data Value Unit
Duration 1:38:45
Sampling Rate 15 s

Energy Expenditure 1270 kcal
Number of Heart Beats 13167 beats
Recovery -18 beats
Minimum Heart Rate 92 bpm
Average Heart Rate 133 bpm
Maximum Heart Rate 159 bpm
Standard Deviation 15.2 bpm

Minimum Speed 3.5 km/h
Average Speed 21.1 km/h
Maximum Speed 35.6 km/h
Distance 34.6 km
Odometer 12360 km

Minimum Cadence 45 rpm
Average Cadence 82 rpm
Maximum Cadence 111 rpm

Minimum Altitude 60 m
Average Altitude 74 m
Maximum Altitude 96 m
Ascent 195 m
Descent 153 m

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