Saturday, March 03, 2007


Turning 50 was not easy. I wish I could downplay this, but I can't. I did not feel anger, I did not feel sadness, I just kind of felt inept. I am not sure where this came, but it did last for a few days/weeks and is only now lifting like the fogs over Spencer Pond did that morning I ventured out on my own in the canoe with my camera.

I was angry the other morning-and after taking a sandwich and throwing it to the floor to demonstrate this-was told that I was cursed for my actions. Later that day I got a migraine. The next morning I cut my finger on a knife making my lunch. So I asked for the curse to be lifted. It was, and on arrival to school I found a bottle of wine and dates with a note thanking me for all the work I do with a student of mine -her parents sent this. Thus, I hope the curse is gone.

I sold four photos the other day to a company with "extended licenses". Thus, some mass production of my work is taking place. Also showing five monkey photos in a zoo here. Still to master conversion of color to black and white in a manner that I love, but I think this will come eventually.

Tuscany perhaps is on the horizon?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Jamie,just found your blog while searching through the net. I wish you all the best for your birthday, health success and a lot of happiness. It was a great pleasure to meet you and I miss having contact, I miss Israel and Tel Aviv. Would be nice to hear from you!I love your pictures! Hugs, Stefan P.S. my website is finally online with a lot of new music.