Saturday, May 12, 2007

Frozen In Time

Long ride today on perhaps one of the last cool days before the hot blasts of summer hit this region. About 1350 meters of climbing and a solid pace on all hills. Guess the winter work and speed work on the bike worked. Was still able to mess with the roadies who were out riding with their team colors and very, very expensive bikes. I love rolling up on my mountain bike and smiling at them. Actually, lots of nice encounters today with people who were not competitive.

Good to see Hamas is showing Mickey Mouse look alikes who preach in such a negative manner. That ought to be helpful (I actually guess it really is for them or they would not be doing this).

Okay, I am into keeping things short these days. I am trying less to change the world. Just doing a lot of posting on Istock to keep me sane. J

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