Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Excrement (not mana) from Heaven

Did you hear the one about the Arab politician who referred to us as being "vulgar"? Well, tonight E and I were in Tel Aviv. She had to run into a building to pick up some music. I was sitting quietly in my car when a full scooping of dog excrement slammed into my windshield. I assume it was thrown from one of the upper level apartments by an individual too lazy to __________ (I really can't think of what that can be filled in with). Thus I go back to my fellow Israelis and wonder how anybody could ever think of us as being "vulgar."

Very cool discovery, has three photos showing when you open their site. These change each time you do a search or click on one of them. I kept finding photos of mine in these groupings. Nice feeling but am still waiting for a bit of $ to roll in.

Ecology Club: Back to working with kids again in this area and hopefully we'll do a few nice things this year. That is my wish.

Hag Samach

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