Sunday, May 25, 2008

It's Funny

Just watched a show on the Hippies on the movie channel. As a 60's child I was too young to really join this movement, but from a distant, I never respected those I saw in it very much for their worship more of drug (my point of view) than content. Yes, they raised awareness about the war. Yes, they might even be responsible for the small environmental movement that exists today (and it is small for we are crapping up our planet by the majority who live on it). I always felt that if these were people who really cared, really wanted to use their brains, they would have worshiped that mass upon our shoulders and learned as much as they could and did something more important than dropping LSD and showing us that they could live in a communal manner without mommies and daddies money (which they also could not do-most at least). I knew then that they were selling us out.

So, what's so funny?

One individual was a man named Wavy Gravey. I looked him up on Wikepedia (where all historical scholars like myself go-ha), and found that he went to my high school. I then went to his site and found that he still has a good message, but that he is merchandising his past as if what he did was so Nobel Prize like. Not sure where his profits are going so I don't want to insult him. I am hoping he gives to good causes. I wonder if he gave to Oxfam? Perhaps we should ask. Jto

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