Sunday, September 28, 2008

Shana Tova

Oh, it has been a tough time here for us, but we are persevering and getting healthy. May this new year find us strong and free of what we need to be free of for years and years to come. May this find all of you healthy and in communication with those you love the most. Life is damn short and there are so many wonderful things to live and fight for so don't close your mouth. Don't give in to the stupids who flock like seagulls on the back of the ferry heading out to the Vineyard. Don't arm yourself with senseless weapons and hate. Fight for the environment and things of beauty. Buy photographs and other works of art that inspire you, or better yet, take or make pieces of art that bring you peace and tranquility. Listen to all genres of music, but never forget classical music which answers so many questions even if you never asked them. Donate your time and donate your money. Teach kids to teach themselves. Shana Tova/Happy New Year. Jamie and others...

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