Friday, February 27, 2009

Not That Smart X

Sitting in a meeting today
Discussing what needs to be discussed
Or perhaps not discussed but who is to say?
We got round to the crux of the matter
And decided that X was "Not that smart"

I cringe when we wrap our children in IQ blankets
Sugar them up with psych reports
Toast them in our files for their Schooling

I am not a person who feels that Smart is limited
To schooling
For we are always being schooled
Everyday we live
And if smart is that time from 8-3
Or standardized CAT or SAT
Then call me Stupid

For Smart to me is going forwards
Taking chances
Making changes
Heading out to the highway with a backpack and a plan
Going places with a notebook and a pen
To write poetry
Or just a few lines
In a tattered diary
That your dad gave to you
Right before he died.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

You should share this poem with Howard Gardner. You wrote in a few short lines what he's needed books to say...
