Monday, February 16, 2009

Tour Guiding...and My Birthday

So now I must be a "tour guide" after organizing my first adult and family tour (24 people).

We went south and day one started at Sde Boker in the Negev. There is now a well-marked trail system and for he illiterate in Hebrew like me, a detailed map in English can now be purchased. Don't have a mountain bike? Well, one can rent at the fine shop there as well and get some advice in regards to the trail system they have marked.

After this, we went to my friend's place after dumping our things at the new cyclist hotel in Mizpe Ramon. My friend makes gourmet chocolate and also is now marketing perfume (I have done the product shots and will alert you all when these are public). All were happy with his wonderful hot chocolate that was served in a cup and ladle filled with cream. The little kids sat in a room and feasted, while the adults (we did this in two groups), participated in a question answer session on chocolate and perfume.

Let's talk dinner: The dinner at the Ibike hotel was outstanding. I am so impressed with the care put into this and the portions were immense (well you need this after riding of course). The kids had a great play area and the adults were as content on a trip as one could be with 24 people- 1/2 of them being under the age of 5!

The rooms at the hotel were basic, but they were very nice. However, the idea by the owners is to get people out of their rooms and into a space that can be shared by all. No t.v. or radio, but some nice background music. This, of course, actually promotes interaction and people played with their kids while others talked amongst themselves. Of course, by the end of the evening a portible DVD player pacified the kids, but that's fine as I love a good movie too. Unlike last week when I went with a group of Israeli riders and the elections were but days away, most of the conversation (not all), veered away from heated political debates. This is wise as we all perceive our truths based on a myriad of experiences that no two people end up sharing.

After dinner a small group of us went into the crater, parked the car, and then stared into the sky which was covered deep and thick in stars and the cloudy Milky Way was clear as a bell (now that's an oxymoron). We all got to observe several shooting stars and one extraordinary one buzzed us. Had we been quiet, I am sure we would have heard the sizzling sound a particle makes when passing through our atmosphere (though scientifically this is not true, I swear I've heard it!). Here is a link to read more about shooting stars.

Early, really early, the next morning three of us left the hotel (after I set off the alarm of course), and headed to a place 11.3 KM away to watch the sunrise. We actually got there early! It was cold, and I was not well-prepared. Thus, after a short stay in my jeep, I set up the tripod and froze throughout the photo session. Not a great sky (the photo here is from another trip), but some nice lighting to the rock. On our way back, we saw hundreds of officers involved in a 10K run. The first group was flying and I have a few photos I will try and post.

A nice ride followed in the crater (oh, I forgot breakfast but I think I've already made it clear the food at Ibike is great), and my friend Gabby, who accompanied us on this trip and is a geologist, gave some wonderful insight into this area. The crater is a geological wonder and thank-G-d it is protected.

Nice trip and it truly went as well as one could ever imagine. So, perhaps I should be a tour guide though even this small two-day trip wiped me out!

Today is my birthday, and I have already done a lot for others. I am making a new recipe that I will share with E when she finally (after two-months of not seeing her), returns on Saturday. I have scrubbed clean all of Forrest's toys. I have never seen a dog love toys more than she does, and it's so much fun to see how enthusiastic she is in her play and demeanor. She is so full of life, so naive, such a sweet dog. Oh, how I miss Candoush, but this little monster (she does like to eat furniture and I am not sure that bladder control is her strong point), is a blast to have in our place. I know she'll bring E so much joy.

Okay...time to do some more things. Online photo session tonight to work on more black and white skills. Keep learning all and keep trying to be your best.

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