Saturday, March 28, 2009

Get Off Your Butt!

Wow! What a week. E's test results are great! We have so much to be thankful for and I could not ask for more. Of course, of course, of course I realize this is no guarantee, no miracle, no nothing. Cancer is ever so dangerous and ever so pernicious. Just when you get the least bit comfortable... But I/we can't live like that so live will go on (though filled with wheatgrass and other wonderful green drinks and as much RAW food as the stomach can handle).

Had a student tell me off for telling her that throwing garbage was something she should address. She informed me that I drive an SUV (geeze, I also ride my bike to work twice a week too but I guess she missed that), which I do to protect myself from the insanity on the highways here and also to avoid traffic as I go through the fields whenever I can get out of the long lines. Whatever, I dedicate the following link, which is a story from the current Runners World on Matt Long who got dragged under a bus in NY. What a tough guy who just has no quit in him. We could all learn a bit from him (as I surely can too!):

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