Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Poo Poohing

Some say the theories
Some say the plans
Get lost in muddle
Blown in the sand
Delivered to Vegas to perform in a show
Hitch up with hookers
But then have to go.

Consigned to your basement
Where they mold and decay
Get taken to yard fairs
At the end of the day
Are auctioned by barkers
In carnival shows
End up back in the basement
Where nobody knows.

The doctors with drugs
That they shoot in your veins
Tell you the studies are valid
They cure you or kill you
It's all just the same
For it's theory you know
That really matters

But I am wandering and struggling
With what I really meant to say
I am going nowhere with my blather
I am drifting and shipwrecked
Throwing up on the quay
Looking for words I might gather.

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