Tuesday, August 04, 2009


I can’t even imagine you staring down time with a loaded gun
For your have played with sand dials your entire life
And calculated your days by the position of the sun and the moon
Living your life deep in that cave of a home with its dirty windows
Shaded by one lonely oak tree that finally fell last summer
During a thunderstorm that threw hail the size of ping pong balls
Onto your roof.

You even tried to take everything that we had to offer and then asked for more
Unfazed by your avarice and how it appeared when the evening news
Came and did that interview with you for being so “quirky” as they put it
Those stone flamingos on your lawn and stack of gumballs you had piled a story high
Were front page

So we are pulling the plug and moving on to Arizona or Hawaii
Don’t look us up for we are changing numbers and maybe our names
You are on your own in that grotto of yours
And we are now wishing luck
But I am leaving you a watch.

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