Friday, September 11, 2009

Sneakers and Body Bags

When we drove past you this morning
All we saw were the body bags
Filled now with your remains
Laying black upon the road

We saw your sneakers
Strewn haphazardly
Collected in haste
To give back to your family

Body bags and sneakers
On the highway at rush hour
The two of you killed
On your motorcycles

Where were you going?
What had you planned for today?
The news report we heard
On our cell phone while waiting in line-
Gave no details
No clue
Of who you were
Or anything to shed a light
On this resting place you had found

Even now I can't find information
And this troubles me
For I want to know something
About your loss
-And that of your families-
To perhaps understand
What is always so elusive

But it will change nothing
For as the police waved me by
As I merged to the right
As your bodies filled the left lane
The road opened up
And we accelerated away
Until the only thing I saw in
My rear view mirror
Were other cars
Already forgetting
Your two young bodies
And the stories that you held.

1 comment:

Urie Salant said...

I know how sensitive you are to road accidents. You made this little vignette very poignant.
