Thursday, January 28, 2010

Wow-Wow Dancing

The Wow-Wow Dance
For Eva and Forrest

Some of us were born
Doing the Wow-Wow Dance
Up early
Before the sun
With a bite of cold
Slinging our packs
Onto our backs
Lacing our shoes tight
Finding a peak
To watch the clouds go
From black, to blue, to orange, to red

Some of has have learned
Far later in life
To do the Wow-Wow Dance
Fortunate enough
To be open minded
Lucky enough to be around
Experts who knew
How to step through mine fields
Like silken ballerinas
Holding hands and twirling slowly
With smiles on their faces

Some of us will die
Doing the Wow-Wow Dance
Begging for another chance
Wanting to get up early again
To feel the cold
To taste our sweat on that early morning climb
Thinking of friends that we have lost
But will now see again
Knowing that our dances
Our enthusiasm
Our lust for life
Is all we ever had
Is all we ever needed

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