Monday, August 23, 2010


I know that you are crazy
Crazy as a loon
Crazy as a loon on Spencer Pond
The one who somersaulted off the rock
And splashed a feeding moose
Into submission

You are crazy
Since we were kids
Since the time you pushed me over a cliff
Into the quarry near Old Lyme-
I still have a scar from the fall

Yet you embellished your crazy
Sending out postcards announcing and then denouncing it
Making us all think that you had it all together
Arriving in adulthood
With milk white eyes
Like a cow gone mad

We have all seen you crazy
Ran from you when you came calling
Late at night
Or those early morning chats you tried to
Have on our cell phones
We have all gotten together
And taken a pledge
Never to allow your craziness
To bring us to our knees
Or put wind into our sails
And set us off course
Ever again.

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