Sunday, April 03, 2016

My Memory Line

Underneath the memory line
There is just a little space
And I can squeeze myself in tight
With a candle and a book

I can make the ending always come out right
And I can change the plot to fit my taste
Because underneath the memory line
I make the calls

I don’t forget I don’t forgive
And I never ask for mercy

I have transcended
And I’ve gone under
Let the bubbles float to the surface
Seen the coral bleached from all perfection

Deep down beneath the memory line
The barnacles are fastened tightly
They are dark and rabid
Stubborn as stubborn oxen
Noses drilled and eyes so angry and sad

I have brought you to my memory line
First fooling you with what I knew
Then fooling me with what I didn’t

I have struck out with my memory line
Put pins upon my maps
Got lost, got hungry, got scared
Until I saw the road again

In others too I know the look
When they are on their quest
Their memory lines breaking free from the tentacle like tethers
Fraying and exploding Fourth of July on a dark night

These memory lines seem to go on forever
Like filaments of neurons
That stretch endlessly through my body
Or that spider web on Spencer Pond
Covered in dew
 Dripping in wet in the sunlight
That early morning ensconced in fog
Somewhere in my memory line.

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