Friday, September 07, 2007

Wood and Stone

Wood and Stone, originally uploaded by Lost Roads.

Damn! What a shitty weak of health. I felt as if somebody pulled my plug and put me onto a low wattage life line. My new school deemed it okay to paint in our area using extremely toxic paints. What the hell, just take us out and shoot us instead! There is no doubt in my mind that the festering/lingering fumes caused my perputual vertigo and side the affects from it. I had no strength and had to go tosleep each night at 7. Others also got sick as well. It took the others as well to convince the powers that be that they needed to stop infusing our environment with VOC's (toxic fumes). Most people I found didn't really give a shit and viewed us as complainers. I tried to explain that you can have two people in a field in the spring and one will react to the pollen while the other of course will not. Some people can smoke their entire lives while others get lung cancer at a young age. People are amazingly diverse and those who ignore this are just dumb. Thus...Wood and stone to the hard headed and the blind. J

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