Thursday, May 01, 2008

Shomron and Candy this past winter. We had to put her away this past Sunday. I can't believe how different this house is without her. She was small, as one can see, but her personality was huge. She was hyper (perhaps a bit ADHD as well), too damn smart, and if you pissed her off...well, look at the scars on my hands and Shomrons! After 17 years, she finally gave in to wearing the funky Superman coat that she has on here. She was shaking for half the winter, and we finally forced her to wear it. She then "demanded" that we put it one whenever it got cold this winter.

She died too as Eva's father would say "good looking." I gave her a bath the other day and though it killed me to have her for the first time in her entire life not fight me, she still went into our living room and you could see that she was thinking about doing her post bath run that she did each and every single time we cleaned her. But she was beautiful.

I made her great food on her last few days and we pampared the little shit even more than we normally did. We took her Friday to the Port and though for the first time ever she couldn't take the walk with us, I carried her and she kept her head up looking around inquistive as ever.

Sunday is still etched in my mind, and I won't go into the details here, but needless to say she got to die in our house and she got to die in my arms. It's quiet here. We miss her. J
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