Thursday, March 19, 2009

Trivial and Real

I like the sound of your voice
The way it wakes me from my afternoon sleep
Or calls me on the phone in the middle of a class
Like tonight when we drove home
And you chose all the stores on Hertzl Street
With goodies you wanted me to buy for you
If you were ever in the hospital again-
Things that I could easily afford
Others that I couldn't
Trivial and real
Sitting side-by-side
Like that spot on Meron
During that first date

I like the sound of your voice
In a world too short
In a world too loud
This place where co-workers you've known for years
Have so little real to say
And can only shoot you up like tetanus shots
Unable to mainline you with anything significant
Cotton candy and dandruff

I like the sound of your voice
Even when I say I don't
For it fills that void
That any honest man admits he has
And thinking about a world
That could exist without you
Has kept me up so many nights
These past eight months
I just like the sound of your voice.

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