Sunday, September 27, 2009

Yom Kippur

So, another Yom Kippur is here. It is, in some ways, the day of bike riding for all the people who never really get a chance to ride. The reality here is that the roads are far, far too dangerous to ply by those who never ride on a regular basis. There is no on the job training that prepares one for the boneheads who insist on cutting you off or fail to register that red really does mean stop and that the physics of an automobile, being what it is, has a definite advantage over a bike with a human on it.

So, the roads are filled tonight. Kids on bikes, people walking, the sound of them rises to a crescendo by about 10 or 11 o'clock tonight. It picks up again around 10 in the morning tomorrow.

Though I usually fast, I did consider doing this as a juice fast. However, after making us a large juice this morning, I ended up doing far too many things and never got around to buying some of the other ingredients that I need (cucumbers). From what I am learning, fasting releases a ton of toxins into your system. Now, the experts on this feel that juicing using greens, helps to wash these out during one's fast. Having done this several times at HHI, I tend to agree. The fasts I do now also back this up.

On a final note, did a pretty pure reverse lap time on my ride today:

Pretty fast (different type of fast) times considering the wind today.

And one more final note... To R and T, you really are not nice people. I write this in cyber space and not to your face as I don't want to cause any trouble. However, I really want this in type somewhere for it has to be said, you are both lacking in moral fiber. I hope you get into synagogue and do a little soul searching. You are both very far from pure and yes, your shit does stink. In fact, I can smell it from here in Israel.

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