Sunday, October 04, 2009

Bike Rides and Odious People

Somewhere in the muddle to the right is this morning's workout. Bit over two hours. Started off at 73 degrees and ended up at 90. Lap times were really good and longer course went (five laps each of about 2.5 miles) from 9:21 down to 8:32). Shorter course, the one with the nasty hill, had a few under 8 minutes which is always a challenge. 8:46 down to 7:46. I did a ride, with a fellow teacher on Friday in a great area about an hour north of Netayna. Did about 12 miles, kind of slow, but enjoyed the sounds of a wedding (?) in a town in that region being held outdoors. Found some nice climbs and a wonderful valley filled with agriculture. How sad that the river that goes through it is so polluted and the plastic thrown in the picnic areas is so prevalent. flamed (is that the right term?) on Facebook. The woman misinterpreted what I had written and then went on to say some pretty horrible things. Being me, I responded as forcibly as my little brain would allow. Alas, I was messing with a Ivy League Lawyer who had an answer for everything and justfied her inappropraiteness. Thus, seared and battered I retreated. However...she can't see this posting so as they said in that wonderful Monty Python movie, "I fart in your general direction." And I do!


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