Thursday, October 08, 2009

I think that the economic crisis is ever so confusing. Check out the prices of the King David Hotel in J-Town. "Cheap" rooms are close to $700. Are they crazy? Who do they cater too and what can be so great to make it worth such a fee? Hey, I love the ambiance there and the food, but come on guys.

Geeze, some days I feel like I really don't have anything to say. Here I am listening to Judy Collins on Wolfgang's vault which is ever such a cool site. Love their concerts and the variety is just so outstanding. Though live concerts do lack some quality, they have other components that studio music is so often missing.

Got a letter from our board of education the other day. We are operating this year and next at 6% less. We were told that we would freeze our expenditures. We were promised, last spring, feedback on our concerns and until yesterday had not received this! Basically we were misdirected in this letter and led to believe that our severance and not the school's mismanagement were to blame. However, we had a carrot dangled in front of us like crack in front of a corner junkie and told that when certain benchmarks are met we could then discuss proper compensation for us. In the meantime, we need to do our job and keep a stiff upper lip (okay some of this was not said). In two-weeks I once again have three nights of chaperoning (I'd like to call it baby sitting but I do respect most of the students), and need to make sure that these 11th graders follow the school rules. Basically, I need to be a cop. I hate, hate, hate being put in this position. Most of the time kids have been mellow, but there are times when they really do push the limits. It gets old. I am getting old. I am getting tired of all nighters needed in order to keep them in their rooms and out of trouble.

Well, I guess I did have a bit to say. Need to finish the 30 poems though. Can't write at that level tonight. Bye...

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