Friday, December 22, 2017

Lucky Me (Dedicated to the stray dog who is in my backyard alone on this cold, wintery night)

Lucky me I travel on winds
Over oceans
Through salt grass
Like Harrier Hawks
Floating slowly into headwinds with eyes down
Searching the ground for patterns

I make friends like treasure hunters
Folded maps with creases and smudges
Pinned to my wall with colored tacks
That lose their meaning over the years
If I don't come back
When I don't come back
Weighted in carets of memory
Treasures nonetheless

Lucky me I am a keeper of images
I thumb backward
Ticking off yesterdays one by one
Letting them melt
In a sudden winter thaw
Until they are caught off-guard
By an arctic blast 
That stabs and gnaws into deepest marrow

I wrap my arms 
Around lucky me
This statue that bears witness
To what can be
What should be
Knowing that right around the corner
A wave is cresting onto a rocky shore
Snow is wafting down trees to the forest floor
And a stray dog is eating a can of food 
I surreptitiously left for her
Because it's cold outside and she's alone, abandoned, scared
And lucky me is sitting here
Thinking that I can comfort her with more than tears 

Brattleboro-December 2017
*Note, after finding out that my assumption that The Dog was a "He" I have revised this to fit the "She" that Daisy is.  


Anonymous said...

This is absolutely beautiful, Jamie. Teared up actually.

Touched me deeply and personally, especially as a life traveler.

Always discovering and uncovering the depths of the maps unexplored within us . .

Bravo, on helping this sweet puppy find love!

Anonymous said...

Read my follow-up!