Sunday, July 23, 2006

Believe When Seen?

I know, here I am in the Middle East and I start today's entry with a cartoon about something as petty as Global Warming. However, I think this issue relates to the current issue here in that the obvious is able to be debated by those who enjoy twisting the facts to meet their needs. If there is no actual warming going on, then this implies our blatant abuse of this planet has no impact on elements that define it. We can pretend that we have not wiped out thousands of animal species. We can pretend that our burgeoning population has not wiped out valuable habitat We can pretend that in many nations of the world pollutants don't fill the air and choke the populations on the ground (for me I suppose my visit to China was just an illusion). So buy big. Have eight kids in your family. Pretend that what you do has no meaning or consequence on life around you. Doesn't that make you feel a whole lot better.

Spent the day in the desert. Eva is still not back yet and I wish she would stay away for a few more weeks as I don't want her to experience this conflict too closely. However, I think she will be here in a few days and will then deal with some of the limited realities of what is going on as perceived here in Tel Aviv. I took Candy with me and she was as always amazing. By the end of the day though she was spent and when we got back here, ate and hit the sack and is yet to wake. What an amazing traveling companion she has been these many years. Though she does whine a bit at the start of the trip, once she gets into it she is observant and enthusiastic.

I need to post a few new photos and will do that soon. I've been reading a lot of texts this summer and learning new components of CS2 (actually PS9). Utilizing RAW and then layers has changed the look of a lot of my photos for the better and I've gone back and tweaked some of the older ones finding that these skills are significant. Waiting to hear about whether I actually did get a cover to Lonely Planet as as they were "considering" one of my images. As always, I'll believe that too when I see it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Jamie,
ahhh, I hadn't read your blog in a while, and talking so briefly with you just minutes ago made me want to hear your point of view on this horrible current situation. I like how you always go back to the essential..... wish those in power would too.

Love the french on your blog 0)))