Friday, October 04, 2024

Rosh Hashanah Holid

*Note, this was something I wrote on an Instagram post asking us all to say "sorry" for the hostage situation.  I reflected on that and then wrote the following.  

I'll tell you I am not saying "sorry." I am saying my heart has been broken for a year. My heart asks for forgiveness for not being in Israel when the hell hit, when the fear hit, when the cries resounded all the way to the highest mountains in North Carolina, where we were on vacation. Back here, back here with rainstorms of missiles and sitting in saferooms that we knew needed to be built with enemies that care not for this land but only for our demise, I found myself the other night, the night of ballistic missiles with one-ton warheads, smiling. I was thinking that this is where I am supposed to be; this is where  I need to be until a quiet returns, until the hostages return, until true peace makes its way into the lands, into the minds of this region. I looked Rachel Goldberg-Polin in the eyes at the Shiva and said, "Sorry," but I wish I was more articulate when I spoke to her. I wish I said, "Forgive the powers that be that took your son and all the hostages on that day..." I am not clairvoyant, hell I can't tell you what will happen five minutes from now. I do my walks in Tel Aviv with a phone and, halfway into my walk, check the bombing reports to gauge my pace and, if need be, go a bit faster. I check my mental state and try to quell my anger at a University System of hate that learned from the evil of the 1930s where to start and how to start.  Smart kids.  They should be knighted by the brothers of hate or given a joint Noble award for a job well done.  The SJP, JVP, BLM, BDS, and all the other groups should seek further grants from their Qatari funders, who have given them so much.  If I were "sorry," I would only be sorry for not speaking louder years ago, back to the Mapping Project where Wellesley students made clear who to hate in their warped sense of justice.  I am sorry it took so long to speak; to my brothers and sisters who were taken on that horrible day, please be kind and forgive us for waiting so long to engage in this do-or-die battle.  

Monday, September 16, 2024

I Know Too Much

 The Things I Know

I know too much because I know more than you

I don’t cull my information from a newspaper

Don’t put myself smack dab in the middle of a protest march

Screaming slogans, somebody else wrote and orchestrated

I know too much because I know more than you

Been knowing them from a time over sixty years ago

Wrote my own words when I was a child

Choked back my own tears when I saw them on paper

Knowing that the injustices I saw

Against my people

Would always scar me

But would never sway me 

From doing what I thought was right

No matter, no matter

I know too much because I know more than you

I know how you scream and let the spittle run down your jawline

Just for show

Just to make an impact of your conviction to hide

The fact that it is far less than you

Want us to know

I know too much because I know more than you

I have spoken to the dead

Spoken to the loved ones of the dead

Spoken to those who are bound to die

Because they are fighting the real enemy

Because they are fighting you

Fighting you who know so little

Fighting you who really are so small

As you emphatically try to convince someone


That you know something

Trying to convince yourself

That your hate is meaningful and justified

Even significant


I know too much

Because I know you

I know how flawed you really are.

Sunday, September 08, 2024

Did I fix my Blog?

 So, it has been forever since I have cracked the Blogger code to publish anything.  This blog, which I started over 20 years ago, has stagnated.  Today, I attempted to go back yet again and see if I could tweak my info and finally get into it.  Just the fact that I am typing seems to suggest that I did the right things but I won't know until I hit the "publish" key.  

This blog has always been for me.  I get that nobody follows it.  Never meant it to be for that purpose.  I meant it only to record my adventures, my family, my poetry, my reflections on what exists and what I hope existed.  It is meant to be political and meant to be non-political.  It is meant to reflect the highs and lows of life and most of all, as an online journal of what I really think and really feel.  Perhaps one day my (step) grandkids will go back and read it and say, "Wow, so I now I better understand Jamie."  I would hope that they realize that being a good person is most important in this world and that they will hopefully explore a wonderous earth freely. 

Okay, time for the "publish" button.  Hope this work!   Oh, that's Sierra below.  She's a bit under 4 years old and is the most amazing dog I have ever seen.  I have loved all my dogs but never had an athlete like her.  She is small, stubborn, and at times has a heart of gold and at times will also growl and take a nip at you (not to hurt you but to instead just vent).  Long may she run.  


Sunday, January 30, 2022

Gathering Time

 Gathering Time (Title of Simon Baxter's Book)


Well I
For I can only speak for myself-
Have had this lifelong project
To gather time
In words and memories
That traverse along a continuum 
That is tracked like a train across a Kansas prairie
Or a junkies arm

I don't know

I don't know and even with directions
I wander off the path
Into the detritus of our cultural eclipses
Which pull us in like a magnetic north
Making us think we off in the correct direction
Only to find we have wandered to an edge of a cliff
Or a brick wall with a sign that says "You Have Arrived"
When in fact you are just lost

Just lost

I have gathered time
Used my rake to make piles of time
Like fall leaves in late October
Still flaked with colors
Yellows, oranges and reds
Making their way back into the earth
To feed the worms 

But this gathering
That's really what I started to say
Before I got sidetracked again on 
Kansas, junkies, and the North Pole
Is a lifelong agenda item
That pages itself on my to do list everyday
It too has fall colors and streaks of black and white
It too falls away each day and sinks down feather like
Somewhere I still cannot see


Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Walking to Afghanistan

Walking to Afghanistan

Soon we will walk to Afghanistan because the oceans have all dried up

And the climate has changed

Changed our moods, our minds, and even changed the countries where we live

We will march with Burkas and Gucci handbags bought in Doha

We will have bandaids and moleskin for our blisters

Walking sticks from REI

Flashlights and bandanas on our heads

Tiki torches in our hands

We will be woke

We will be progressive

We will be far-right

We will be far-left

We will be angry at each other for being each other and not us

Our boots will stomp on the ground in front of the walls we put up

Our signs will signify our distaste for you

Then we will head home happy that we started our walk

Towards Afghanistan

Towards a new cause



Wait a minute

Wait for that tolling of the ancient clock you have hung on your wall


Again, just wait

Until all of your sureness

All those facts and UN resolutions you have memorized to prove your point

Prove how terrible the investment in me

In my country

In my people

Really is

You were here to win a war

No, you were here to win hearts and minds

No, you were here to build us up so that we

Could resist

Could survive

Yet when you were done

You had a new plan

A better plan


You moved on and shook our hands

Gave us bread and cheese

Left us with some spray paint to cover up the signs that you were here and had a purpose at some point

Now you are turning again

Trying to knock down my iron dome

Equivocating in simple words 

That should not be so equivocal 

Yet they are

Filling the college campuses with the fuel of your cause

Your narrative

Building your ground troops

Standing on your platforms

With megaphones to project

Dictaphones to record

iPhones to capture selfies

Ever so woke

While Afghanistan begins to fade

Into blue burkas 



While your footsteps fade 

From that landscape

Sunday, January 10, 2021

2021 Opening Statement

 We live in this time when Presidents refuse to act presidential and are excused by their constituents because some of the things they do prove beneficial for the masses.   Yet, can good acts coverup corrupt deeds and comments that fuel hate and division?  

This past week, we saw a President gone wild.   During his four years in office, this President vilified those who held different viewpoints from his own, engaged in blatant acts that furthered the divide between diverse groups of Americans, belittled countless people, and engaged in acts that are proving to be detrimental to our environment.  Yet, people were willing to storm our Capitol in Washington to support his claim that the vote had been stolen.  They were willing to steal what they said was stolen from them.  To destroy property, make threats, spread vile hate theories, and find fault with all that do not hold their viewpoints.  All of this while the death toll from COVID soars over 4,000 people per day, and here in Israel, we are forced back into a very restrictive lockdown.  

The challenge with all of this is how to teach our students that they need to be honest, forthright, and brave.  They need to discuss all sides of an issue and recognize that to some degree, others may be more right than they are and that their point of view is flawed.  Or, they need to recognize that several variables may exist and that, like in many cases, they will come upon in life, there is more than one way to achieve a given goal.  They also need to put into practice that those who have a different viewpoint from their own should not be denigrated in any manner, for this only serves to further inflame the "conversation" and that once that fire is started, each side will become more resolute in the manner in which they cling to their beliefs.  

So I will make this personal because this is my blog, and nobody reads it, so what do I have to lose?   This has been a tough time for me, and in some respects, it has been a good time.  It has been tough because I have not been able to travel out of Israel and go back to New England to see mom, who is ensnarled in dementia and the confusion and paranoia that brings.  I have not been to my home in Vermont (though Connecticut will always be my true home) and walked the great woodlands with my socks tucked into my pants and long sleeves to keep myself from getting Lyme Disease.   I have learned much about the Golan during this time and have even learned how to better navigate and utilize the application AllTrials, which is truly amazing and helpful.   Eva and I have learned to better appreciate each other, which bodes well as I turn 64 next month and will only work one more year as an educator.  

Yet, I can't distance myself from the sadness that finds me staying up far too many nights.  This is a lifelong malady and certainly nothing new.  I worry.  I worry about myself, those around me, the polar bear, friends who battle illness, countries that deal with tyrants.   My greatest peace is found in nature, though, in some ways, that has been taken from me.  Even the city's view, which I loved so much, is being taken away as the distant cranes now surround me, and large apartments are not only blocking my view, but the amount of light we have coming into our apartment is slowly diminishing.   

We live in a time when Presidents refuse to be Presidental.  When corporate news programs dual it out with vocal sabers and those on each side wave banners of their own or wrap themselves tightly in these both figuratively and literally.   As smart as it is to have a strong value system, and it is important, you have to realize (well, I have to realize) that entrenched beliefs can also be dangerous.   That there is no conversation to be had with a person who believes that anyone who differs from him or her is stupid or blind.   Once you start pointing your finger, the conversation has stopped.   Once you storm the Capitol, the conversation has stopped.  Once you become so progressive that others can't progress, then the conversation has stopped.  

I am not convinced that our differences can be worked out or what divides so many in our world can be ameliorated.   We are too hopeful in our belief system, for we tend to associate with people who have similar views as our own.   We are frightened and repulsed by those with strongly dissimilar opinions, which is hardwired into our brains.   Although it is magnificent that we have such diversity in our genetic pool, it has proven detrimental to our species.   

Jamie-January 10, 2021  

Sunday, May 31, 2020

A Place To View My Photographic Work

My main pursuit in life while not teaching, is my photography.  Though I sell images to a few stock agencies, my greatest joy is to make available prints and digital downloads from my photographic site.  So please take a moment to check out these images and if you like them, please considering getting one for yourself.  My Photographic Site

Each Of My Countries

To My Countries:  Why Do I Cry Out To You?

To each of my countries
I cry out to you
I expect more and I expect better
I know the statistics like the back of my hand
I know each and every instance that has made me 
Point my finger
At all of you
At all of us
Then right back at myself because  
I am unable to get you to make the needed changes
Or get it right when you get it wrong.

To each of my countries
You have seemed to try
But you are no better than your neighbors
You are no better than those you 
Hate with all your rhetoric 
You have justified and vilified with aplomb
So that even when it was justified
It seemed as if it was not
And you came off as being disingenuous
For they had heard it all before
And were not going to let you off the hook
Even if you were right.

To each of my countries, you have become
A fright among nations
But you are more dangerously
Hurting yourselves
You are threatening your existence
Your core
From within
Shaking your foundations
Grabbing at the pillars like Samson
Until the holy pillars will break
And nothing will be left but piles of stone.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

I Miss My Forrest

It's been almost five weeks and the level of sadness that I have has diminished...until it hasn't.  I love you Forrest and last night I had the strangest dream that you were still alive.  In my dream, after I saw you, I realized that you were not alive.  Ensconced in this dream I began to cry.  In the dream.  This crazy dream woke me up and the next thing I knew, I was crying in my awakened state.

How one as small as you, as non-human as you, as smart as you have impacted me over these past almost 12 years.   It is inconceivable, still, that you are not here in our lives.  How I just feel so different without you here.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Writing For Peace

I wrote an article for the Brattleboro Reformer about the issues that never end here in the Middle East.  My goal, as always, is that we have to reset the clocks and look carefully at what caused us to hate each other so much and figure out a roadmap to peace.  Is it possible in my lifetime?  I hope that this article gets people to think.  I hope that it also reinforces that only if we discuss our narratives and accept that each of us have different ones. 

Click Here to Read the Article

Thursday, December 27, 2018



I fell hard the other day upon my moral compass
It had lost its footing
Teetered for a bit
Then came crashing down

A thud
A whisper
A silence

It was broken into so many pieces
Shards of broken glass
That did not sparkle in the sun

The day was spent searching
Searching for a replacement
Perhaps a better compass
Stronger, newer, untainted

Yet what was wrong with my old model?
What didn’t I have that would have allowed it to stand for all my days?
What was missing?
Who was missing?

So I reflected
As I always have
As I always will do

We compromise
We capitulate
We abandon what has worked
For something better
Something different
Something with so much promise

We fail to recognize
That our true compass
Our true direction
Is a course that was set
At a very young age
When right and wrong
Was a consequence that was acknowledged
Was a way of life that was recognized and defined.


Saturday, November 10, 2018

Testament To Hate

This is a testament to hate
You have dragged me yelling and screaming
Knocked me down with hollow headed bullets
And spit me out upon your dark web

But I am still here

You cannot kill me
Even when I am dead
And splintered on the floor
My 2-year-old body
My 54-year-old body
My 97-year-old body
My weeping family and friends
Will know who I was
And remember me after I am lowered into the ground

You cannot kill me

We have seen you before
In our ancient lands
In Spain, Portugal, and England
In Germany, Poland, and Ukraine
In Egypt, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, and Tunisia
We have seen you and know
How evil you are with your cool countenance
And measured words

But this is a testament to hate
This is the one where you will have
Your head filled with the faces of those
Too old to fight back
Fighting back
On another battlefield
Fighting back
In your dreams
Fighting back
In your hell
And your weapons of hate will be mollified
Leaving you exposed and weak

Let’s just cut to the chase
Cut to the part where you will weep
Where you will try to fool your cellmate
With your good intent as he shoves a shiv
Right down the middle
Koufax would have skipped Yom Kippur
To see that one

But this is a testament to hate
A testament to my hate
For knowing nothing
For knowing all
Without a textbook
Or an internet article or a meme
Without another UN Sanction
Or a BDS march on a Berkley campus
A march in London, Paris, or Charlotte
Just a clear testament with its roots in the past
That will not be allowed to grow
Without a fight.

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

On Forty Years

We are fortunate, well I suppose some of us are, to happen upon friends in our lives who impact us, make a difference, fill our sails and at times, help to redefine what we thought we knew and illuminate what we did not. 

I am lucky. 

I am lucky to have read Sports Illustrated and being a Connecticut Yankee who thought he knew so much back in the 70's, thought that I could learn something by traveling to Arizona State to pursue my education. 

Yet, it started so strangely.  This long-haired guy strumming on guitar (badly) who would not stop as I was trying to study a room over.  Trying to get me to have a beer and relax a bit when the stress of school was so prominent.

I was lucky to have met this wide-eyed woman who came to visit at ASU during a break and my initial reaction was to walk into the campus waterfalls to cement a future lifelong friendship based on good laughs and shared memories. 

People persist in their relationships through hard work.  Maintaining the love and respect that couples have for one another is a challenge even for the best of us, and even in the best of marriages.  We all change.  We all evolve, and if we don't do this cooperatively, then we drift away from one another.  Having three children to raise,  jobs that force you to move from one state to another, and your own physical issues that come with the years one accrues on this planet, also add to this "challenge." 

A couple that has made it forty years has figured all of this out.  You guys have.  You have maintained that strong bond that I witnessed as best man in your wedding.  Your free spirit and grounded nature (contradictory on the service though each essential for longer marriages) has, from my perspective, kept you young at heart both figuratively and literally, in each other's arms. 

So, I am lucky to have known each of you.  Seeing how you have managed your marriage has helped me in my own through the good times and through the bad ones as well.  I am thankful for your kindness to me, Eva and Shomron when we have visited.  I wish that we all could get together more frequently, and hope that down the road we do, but feel fortunate for the days we have spent together. 

Congratulations on these forty years.  You have lived these years so well and I wish you (as does Eva, Shomron, Meirav, Daniella, and Forrest) many more to come. 
